Sunday, April 24, 2016

Incorporating Professional Social Media

   Incorporating your brand in to your social media presence on professional social media sites is another way to reach a larger audience, learn from others who are already doing what you are interested in, and to network with others in your field of interest.
   I have a profile on LinkedIn. I have created a professional social media presence here to network and learn from others in the adult recreation sports field. I have my professional accomplishments along with information about my leagues, Utah Sports Leagues and Utah Flag League. I am interested in pursuing a career, after retirement, in the sports field. There are groups to join and other professionals in this field to network with on LinkedIn.

   There are professional groups to join and learn from if you are starting your own league or working in a sports related field. I would suggest joining Sports Careers by if you are interested in a career in sports. Your can network, get advice, and even be mentored within this group. Along the same lines, Sports & Recreation Management Professionals, is a group to learn from and provide information to about the trends and current practices in the sports and recreation field. Both of these groups are great for a sports career professional.
    A group to join to help match demand and supply in sports is Sports, infrastructure and investment. Here you can network and learn how to get investments in your sports related ventures.
   One more group, that is not specific to sports or recreation, is Social Media Marketing. This a great group to learn from and network with, for any field. You can give ideas, get ideas and learn to market in  new era of marketing. This knowledge is a great tool in the recreation sports realm. The audience for sports and recreation are on social media, so learning how to reach and engage your audience on social media is a great skill.
   Further develop your brand and your league or recreation sports by building a profile on LinkedIn and joining these professional groups.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Importance of a Video in a Blog

   Using videos as apart of the blog is great way to make the content of your blog more dynamic, interesting and visually appealing. I have been unable to find a vlog in the area of adult recreation sports. I have found a couple videos attached to YouTube channels, which are similar to a video I would like to create and add to my YouTube channel. One of the videos comes from The Luke Wadey channel and the other from the AllenCityTV channel.
   Both of the videos show adults participating in sports and what sports they offer. The AllenCityTV video is showing their upcoming sports for the year (2013) and when the time frames those sports will be offered. The Luke Wadey, KC Crew, video shows the sports being played but also has the adult participants talking about their experiences and other benefits to participating adult recreation sports.
   Both of these videos have good production quality and are similar to a commercial. I would like to put videos together, which are similar to these two, and some tutorial videos as well. I have already posted short video clips from flag football games but I will like to expand into educating about participating in adult recreation sports.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Useful Resources in Other Blogs

   The five blogs listed below were useful in helping create/modify/adjust my personal brand strategy. These blogs are also about other adult sports leagues but in other larger metropolitan areas around the country.

   Spark People has a blog discussing fitness, relating to participation in adult sports. It discusses the benefits of participating in adult sports. They have their other social media available to connect with and set up of the blog is good with advertisements and the author interacting with the comments.

   Washington City Paper has a blog article that discusses and helps readers decide which sports would be good for them to participate in and where to find that particular league. This is a good blog but this particular article gave me ideas on how to connect with the readers and a way give the users a way to figure what they may want to participate in.

   Access Atlanta blog has an article with pictures of the different activities they are discussing. They separate the different sports discussed with bold titles and separate paragraphs. Including the advertisements is a good way to have your blog work for you.

   In a multi city area of Connecticut, the JCC Stamford has a blog which encompasses many cities nearby each other. They discuss the sports, their locations and contact information to get involved. The article provides a lot of good information and options to get involved and get active. Adding the event calendar to the post, with upcoming events is very informative and a good tool to add to a blog.
   Santa Monica Adult Sports blog includes information about many sports in their area. They have a lot of blog posts with information regarding the sports, registration, fees, schedules, links to waivers and options to share the articles on other social media.

   Reading these blogs have given me ideas to add content, tools to the blog, and ways for readers to share the posts on their social media. Adding advertising to your blog allows for you to make something on your efforts as well. Including pictures and videos is a good way give a visual representation of what your a discussing. Finally, allowing users to comment and interacting to those comments is a good way to connect with your readers.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Introduction to Dustin Heath and Utah Sports Leagues

   I am Dustin Heath. I own and operate Utah Sports Leagues. Currently, offering adult flag football with kickball and dodgeball coming soon.
     Utah Sports Leagues is an outlet for adults to compete, exercise and socialize. With so many options available for youth, Utah Sports Leagues is giving options for adults to free up an hour per week for themselves to stay active, meet new people and be social.